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When it comes to pronunciation, there’s always something to argue about. And we’ve all done it –whether standing in line at Starbucks arguing about espresso or throwing down about whether or not to enunciate the ‘r’ in the second month of the year.


So here’s more grist for the argument mill.


1. timbre 音色,音品

If you’re a musical person, this one has come up. ‘Tom’, ‘tam’, or ‘tim’? Many make the mistake of pronouncing it ‘timber’, as in fallen wood. However, the choice between ‘tom’ and ‘tam’ is one you should feel free to keep discussing…


2. harbinger 预兆

We’ve all heard someone go for ‘bing’ instead of ‘binj’, haven’t we? The correct pronunciation of this word is ‘HAR-bin-juhr’.

我们都听到有些人把bing读成[b ] 而不是[b nd ]。正确地读音应该是[′hɑ:b nd (r) ]

3. chasm 峡谷;分歧

Although the hard ‘k’ is the accepted pronunciation for this word, the pronunciation beginning with a ‘ch’ as in church is heard often enough.


4. quixotic堂吉诃德式的,不切实际的

Spanish literature enthusiasts know that this adjective refers to the hero of the classic Spanish novel Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes. And Spanish speakers know that ‘qui’ is pronounced as ‘key’ and ‘x’ with the sound in Scottish ‘loch’. However, the adjective describing the Don has been anglicized to ‘kwik-SOT-ik’. Most English speakers use the anglicized pronunciation for the adjective, and something more Spanish-sounding for the novel.


5. plantain 一种蕉类

Some foodies may be alarmed to learn that a widely accepted pronunciation of this word ends with ‘tin’ rather than ‘tayn’, as in ‘rain’. Argue away!


6. homage 敬意

‘Hom’ or ‘om’? As long as you say it ending with an ‘ij’ and not ‘aazh’, then it’s really a matter of preference.


7. eschew 回避

There are a few ways that people pronounce this word – the only consistency seeming to be an emphasis on the second syllable. The main issue is typically how to pronounce the second syllable: like ‘shoe’, ‘chew’, or ‘skew’? OxfordDictionaries.com lists ‘chew’ as the appropriate pronunciation, although there is evidence that many feel otherwise.


8. detritus 碎石,瓦砾

The accepted pronunciation of detritus highlights the second syllable as ‘try’. However, another pronunciation – likely influenced by the pronunciation of detriment – is sometimes heard in which the first syllable is stressed: ‘DET-trit-uhss’.


9. comparable 可比较的

Is ‘compare’ in comparable? Not as most English speakers pronounce it. The stress instead falls on the first syllable: KOMP-(uh-)ruh-buhl.Comparable


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