


1. Be frugal

1. 要节俭

Moving is a money wormhole. You pray those dollars will get transported elsewhere, but it just goes poof. You spend loads on the packing, shipping, airfare, renting a new residence and everything else attached to emigration. Those are unavoidable expenses. What you can do to reduce the moving cost, as well as living comfortably thereafter, is to remember frugality.


You will be tempted to fill your new abode with trinkets and appliances you did not have before, get the cutest linens and whatnot. Pace yourself. Embrace minimalism. Treasure the heartfelt belongings that came with you from the home country. Budget for rent, utilities and food – the standard comforts everyone needs. Then slowly look into second-hand items or ethnic goods that will be of lower cost than what you are used to.


If you have a work visa, you will have more money than those on a tourist or student visa, but that does not mean you will be financially stable until after a few months of labor. Pinch those pennies until you do not fret over the days between paychecks. Continue to spend wisely, because you never know what will happen.


2. Crave independence

2. 渴望独立

There is a spike of helplessness that often makes even the strongest of women break down while living abroad. Injecting yourself into the bloodstream of another culture, another world, as like asking to be treated as a foreign substance to that country’s system.


You might not get the best treatment from the locals. You might consider relying heavily on those that do show kindness and concern. Don’t. At least not 100%. Even if you moved with family, do not cling to that familiarity.



1.minimalism 极简派艺术;最低纲领;极保守行动

Below we look at these principles of design and how they relate to minimalism.


2.break down 分解;发生故障;失败;毁掉;制服

You can then break down these work components into the activities that are required to build them.


3.be treated as 3.be treated as

If it wants to be treated as a regular market economy, it must behave like one.


4.student visa 学生签证

If you are traveling on a temporary or exchange student visa, you may be able to arrange for health insurance through your employer or institution.
