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当前位置:家教网首页 > 苏州家教网 > 外语学习 > 英语热词:试试“极速演讲” Speed geeking

英语热词:试试“极速演讲” Speed geeking

【来源:易教网 更新时间:2018-04-17


Speed geeking is a participation process used to quickly view a number of presentations within a fixed period of time. Speed geeking gets its name from speed dating, since they both employ similar techniques.


A large room is selected as the speed geeking venue. All the presenters are arranged in a large circle along the edge of the room. The remaining members of the audience stand at the center of the room. Ideally there are about 6-7 audience members for each presenter. One person acts as the facilitator.


The facilitator rings a bell to start proceedings. Once proceedings start, the audience splits up into groups and each group goes to one of the presenters. Presenters have a short duration, usually 5 minutes, to give their presentation and answer questions. At the end of the five minutes, the facilitator rings a bell. At this point, each group moves over to the presenter to their right and the timer starts once more. The session ends when every group has attended all the presentations.



If you haven’t tried speed geeking in your class, you should. You students will be engaged, communicating, thinking critically and having fun.

