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当前位置:家教网首页 > 苏州家教网 > 外语学习 > 热词:资本市场的“大象交易”Elephants deal

热词:资本市场的“大象交易”Elephants deal

【来源:易教网 更新时间:2018-01-16

英语里有一个短语叫lion's share,说的是分配的资金或者食物中占的最大的一份。狮子是丛林之王,分到最大一份自然说得通。在资本交易中,交易额超大的那一类交易则被称为elephants deal,这背后的类比意味,大概也跟大象的体型有关系。

The term "elephants" is a slang for large institutions that have the funds to make high-volume trades. Examples of elephants are professionally managed entities like mutual funds, pension plans, banks and insurance companies.


Elephants deal refers to an extremely large business deal between large institutions, typically worth more than £20 million.



Think of a swimming pool: if an elephant steps into the pool (buys into a position), the water level (stock price) increases; if the elephant gets out of the pool (sells a position), the water level (stock price) decreases. In comparison to the elephant's influence on stock prices, the effect of an individual investor is more like that of a mouse.

